Sunday, March 8, 2015

heureux 100e anniversaire, orson welles

Good one, Jim Reed!
For a special Sunday screening, the Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah was celebrating what would have been the 100th birthday of Orson Welles. Billed as a "Mystery Movie", we had all showed up at the Sentient Bean to be surprised... and we were!
"F for Fake" was the working title, according to the internet movie database, but on the film "About Fakes" was given. Then again, I must say I like the original French name, "Vérités et mensonges", for this 1973 mockumentary.
After all, this wasn't so much a story about an art forger - that had already been done and he just borrowed bits and pieces for the first hour of this film. You see, the first hour was guaranteed to be nothing but the truth.
The last 19 minutes, though, were pure fiction and served only one purpose. What's so important, you ask? His girlfriend, Oja Kodar. Showing her off was the entire raison d'être for this piece of work.
Ah, well.
Boys will be boys, regardless of physical age. (He was 58 when he made this.)
The best part of being there tonight, though, was not the movie.
Not by a long shot.
It was the hugs!
Hugs from Amanda K, before and after!
Hugs from Roy Wood, before and after!
Hug from Joe B!
Hug from Axelle!
Hug from Jordan!
That was seven right there!
That was almost the recommended eight hugs daily, in less than two hours time.
Oh, are you unfamiliar with the work of Virginia Satir? Basically, she believed in "becoming More Fully Human" by making more physical contact with others. She had this to say about hugs.

“We need 4 hugs a day for survival.
We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.
We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”

Many days, I have no hugs.
Since Thursday, though, I've been getting at least four each day.
No, wait, let's make that since Wednesday night.
But today... well, today has been magnificent for hugs!
Earlier today, I had two hugs from JinHi, two hugs from Monica, a hug from Mark, and two hugs from Chris Stanley!
That was seven!
Then I got another seven tonight!

I need to do this more often...
Right now, I need sleep. This business of "springing ahead" with the time has my body clock out of whack and I'm ready to let that fade bear wrap his velvety soft paws around me...
as my spirit soars with contentment and happiness!


tut said...

Faustina, if it wasn't for needing you there so much, I'd need you here.

"Thanks," on behalf of all those in your life right now who are just too busy, or stressed, or sad, to see how much you add to theirs. (You know who I mean.)

Hope you had a fabulous weekend,
The Universe

faustina said...

I just realized that even though I was "getting" all those hugs, I was also GIVING all of those hugs yesterday.

Def need more of THAT going on.