Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Excellent news!
My boys of physics have signed on for two more years of science, romance, and general nerdiness!
That means I'll have Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj bringing me smiles and laughs until 2017.
Of course, I also will have the antics of Penny, Bernadette, Amy, and whoever dates the caramel-skinned astrophysicist, as they attempt to help their men blend into regular society.
Or at least be a tad less geeky.
Good luck, gals!
As you know, I am a big fan of "The Big Bang Theory". I've referred to the television series once, or twice, maybe even three times.
Then there's the trivia game. I even played it with my San Franciscans when they were here in December! And, of course, shared the show with them.
Ah, yes!
Life has been good to me!
(Thanks for singing and dancing for me, Harry!)
(Just click the link. Seriously good fun!)

1 comment:

Sue said...

Susan Carlile
March 18 at 6:55pm

LOL Tina! I agree! We are huge fans of this show too!