Monday, March 9, 2015

unexpected corned beef!

Doesn't that look totally yummy?!?!
It was, too.
I ate every bit of it.
Well, maybe not all of the potatoes...
But all the rest! Yes, I did!

I was with the Lunch Ladies on our weekly outing.
That's me, with the corned beef in front of me. To my right is Megan, our ringleader, and Marjorie the architect. Across the table from me is Agnes (aka Aggie) the gardener and then Debbie Marshall, our co-ringleader. Nice small group, just as I like it!
This time, we dined at Papa's Bar-B-Que & Seafood.
Sure, the name doesn't sound like a place for Irish food. But, believe me, with Saint Patrick's Day just around the corner, everybody around here can find some wee link in their heritage to Éire!
I had gone there intending to eat some pulled pork or some ribs - you know, something in line with the name, something that would be an expected specialty of the house.
Then I saw the corned beef dinner listed as one of the March specials.
Honestly, I'm usually a bit leery of ordering corned beef.
I love it, I do, but many places cannot differentiate between lean and fat, especially in the case of corned beef. I've never been a big fan of fatty meats, much preferring lean cuts. When I make corned beef and cabbage at home, I trim it of all obvious fat, as I know there is still plenty trapped in the meat itself.
Many folks are not that careful about defatting the cut.
Fortunately, Papa's does it right!!!
As you can tell, that lovely mound of corned beef is delightfully lean, moist, and oh-so-tasty!!!
Thanks, y'all, for helping me get my Irish on!

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