Saturday, March 14, 2015

happy pie day!!!

hahaha haha!
Yes, I know it was actually "Pi Day"! Still, when the peace Guy mentioned the day, as I was looking at the desserts at the newly reopened Betty Bombers, my mind translated the mathematical constant into delectable deliciousness.
"The pecan pie, please!"
That's what I told the waitress.
Would I like it warmed up?
"Yes, I would," I replied, as she scooped that last slice of nutty goodness onto a plate.
It was so tasty, too!
Almost as good as my Grandmama's pecan pie.
Thanks for the heads up, Joe!

I'm not the only one to think of pie today, either.
Even the American Pie Council saw the link between math and pastry! Their website dared to ask the world: "Which pie should you choose for your Pi Day party?"
A Pi Day party???
Why didn't I think of that?!
Well, there's always next year, since March 14th is an annual date.
I'll be sure to feature pecan pie (third most popular pie in the USA!), but I may pass on the pumpkin pie (special for the US Thanksgiving) and the apple pie (which they claim is the favorite in this country).
Sounds like a plan, y'all!

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