Sunday, October 11, 2015

chinese operas and burlesque, oh my!

Tonight, Savannah State University Confucius Institute and The Confucius Institute Headquarters in Beijing, China, presented the Chinese Opera from Binghamton University Confucius Institute, the only performance group in the United States to feature Beijing opera. The group performed its spectacular “Amazing China” show at the Lucas Theatre... and I was one of the lucky ushers to witness it! What a fabulous demonstration of the different forms of opera throughout the country!
I had seen that style of theatre once before, when I visited Hong Kong with a USO tour group. That was back in 1981. I was very much looking forward to seeing that style again!

Such a grand time
I had tonight!
This figure is from
Sichuan Opera.
Such a striking character...
But he was actually
many different characters!
Liu Chunnuan demonstrated
the art of Face Changing,
switching between
at least ten different
masks throughout
his performance.

There followed a very sweet skit, "Picking Up The jade Bracelet", by Tu Linghui. This piece of Beijing Opera featured a young girl feeding chickens and doing chores. Very sweet!
Two instrumental pieces followed, with a Chinese bamboo flute accompanied by a piano. While "Journey to Suzhou" and "Little Shepherd" were very nice, I wanted more of the theatre!
Woohoo! Another Beijing Opera piece! "The Crossroads Inn" was a well-done, nearly acrobatic piece involving a case of mistaken identity. Halt, who goes there? be sure to click and watch Liu Chunnuan and Ren Yingxin going through their moves!
Next up was a piece from "Peony Pavilion", a four-thousand-year-old Kunqu Opera. "A Stroll In The Garden", in the gentle style typical, featured Tu Linghui, accompanied by Cheng Shijun on the bamboo flute. Here is the video!
Mezzo-Soprano Hong Zhang then graced us with three musical pieces in a more traditional operatic form. The arias were "The Ditty of Yimeng Mountain", from Shandong, "Heavenly Road", a Tibetan folk song, and "Beautiful Mood". The differences in the three songs, due to geographical and cultural variety, were also pointed out by the singer. Very nice!

Then time had come for the final part of the show. And what a grand thing it was!
Based on the old fairy tale, "The White Snake", it was a classic romance. Boy and girl fall in love, boy gets girl drunk and she turns back into a snake, boy falls dead from fright, snake turns back into girl, girl seeks a magic herb to bring the boy back to life.
Okay, maybe not your typical romance.
The part of the story enacted for us was that last scene. "Stealing The Magical Herb" was very energetic! Lots of acrobatic dance moves! Lots of graceful fighting with swords and long sticks!
Such a magical way to end the "Amazing China" concert!

I had been joined early on in the show by Carolyn. She had been one of my flotation devices back in August, as well as a regular on Wednesdays at the 'Bean. I asked if she might want to see A Very Burton Burlesque Revue with me?
"Absolutely!" was the response.

Off to the Ampersand with our bad selves!
Bonnie Blue showed up a little later, with 'Dave of Pooler'. That was extra good! He ended up buying a round of drinks for us - very nice!
The Tim Burton tribute show featured Savannah Sweet Tease members Vesper Von Havoc, Erin GO Brahless, Sadie DeSade, Jack N ThaCox and Lady Von Luft, plus Butt Reynolds of Hurly Burly Burlesque and MC Skippy Spiral. What glorious fun!
What characters were portrayed in naughty fashion?
From "The Nightmare Before Christmas", there were three different skits! We were given Jack Skellington, played in reverse drag - nice twist! Then along came Sally, being ever so helpful, as always! But my favorite was Oogie Boogie! The sheer anonymity of the artist made it fabulous! Not once did we get a view above the waist, as the burlap sack stayed in place when all else was shed. Amazingly well done!
Other characters of Tim Burton's works which were represented in single skits tonight were Victor of "Frankenweenie", Mrs. Lovett of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street", and the Queen of Hearts from "Alice In Wonderland".
Two title characters also trod the small stage, shedding clothing along the way! Those were the leads in "Corpse Bride" and "Beetlejuice".
As good as they all were - and that was pretty fine! - I didn't add any tip money to the bucket until the last skit. Jack N ThaCox was truly a marvel as an obscure superhero, Stainboy, based on a character in a book of poetry by Tim Burton, and the subject of a six-part series of short films. My, oh my, that boy could move!
Bonus points for creative use of a cape!
(wink wink, nudge nudge!)
Now, pardon me while I watch those videos of Stainboy...

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