Monday, October 5, 2015

to philo cafe or not to philo cafe, that is the question!

How timely!
In today's newspaper, the above comic appeared.
Even the Universe was pushing me to attend Philo Cafe tonight!
As this was my third reminder of the event, I knew I had to be there!
What a hoot!
The first reminder was a week ago.
Last Monday, at Chili's, I was told that the topic of discussion would be "Shakespeare". Kevin had been offering it as the topic for twelve weeks and it had finally garnered the votes needed to make it so.
Woohoo! I grew up with Shakespeare in the house, so I was quite interested in attending. The only problem was that I would be late. Still, I was encouraged to come anyway, so I said I would try.
The second reminder was just yesterday.
Kevin had attended God on Broadway, as his friend Danny Beam was playing Javert in the production of "Les Miserables". We ran into each other at the Big Coffee Hour afterward and spoke again about his upcoming turn as topic leader for Philo Cafe.
Then, this third reminder greeted me!
Guess I needed to make that happen!

So I went.
Yes, I did arrive late, but that was just fine!
I shared the comic with everyone there (Kevin, Cedric, Connie, Bonnie and Don, Chris, and an old lady whose name I cannot recall) and they enjoyed it. (Well, not Bonnie. Apparently, she has no love for "Peanuts".) The comic opened up a new avenue of discussion on other comic artists who have developed entire versions of classic Shakespeare plays (such as "Romeo and Juliet" and "King Lear") in comic format.
Cool! I had no idea those existed!
Then I shared the word about the two local theater troupes still gracing the stage with the plays. That spurred more discussion, too, with Bonnie adding the info on the upcoming plays on their way.
What a successful discussion!
I am so glad I was there to contribute my two cents' worth.
That was fun!
Dinner afterward at Chili's with the usual suspects was fun, too.
I'm going to have to find Kevin on fb and 'friend' him.

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