Wednesday, June 24, 2015

art deco, little havana, and a boat ride

After my "Owner Update" this morning,
and with my two gift cards firmly in hand,
I decided to test drive the $50 one.
Brunch at the Purple Penguin?
You bet!
It was right next door, too,
just in case there was a problem
with the new VISA,
you understand.
But was there need for concern?
Absolutely not!
I dined on Ceviche Meets SoBe,
a dish with a bit of a kick
and a lovely appearance,
much like my waiter, Stuart.
Ah, such a sweet young man!
And such a fine sweet morning, too!
Ah, to begin every day with such a view!
After my "free" feast, I set out for the Art Deco Welcome Center.
Half-Price Tours' bus trip around Miami (with a boat tour included!) would not pick me up until 1 PM.
Plenty of time for a nice morning walk!
I know what you're thinking.
"That isn't Art Deco!"
Well, you are absolutely correct.
Still, I like the juxtaposition
of the swaying palm trees
and the sandcastle styling.
And the star-like designs at the top
make Netherland a little less modern,
wouldn't you agree?
The Leslie, however, most definitely hearkens back from the 1930's era!
Such a lovely yellow!
It brings to mind my sunroom -
so bright and cheerful!
Not bad for almost 80 years old!
At first glance, the 1936 Cavalier
may seem a bit bland.
But look closer.
The tile inlays on its face are
quite intricate as well as colorful.
The upper ones resemble turtledoves
and the lower trio look like seahorses!
Well, to me, okay?
This one is definitely more modern,
even though it is also from the 1930's.
Why did I snap its picture?
It's for my bfe.
I knew he would appreciate
that his beloved cat
had a hotel named for him.
Rock on, Victor!
Maybe, just maybe, this was the
original part of The Victor.
The streamliner detailing would certainly point to that time period.
But dig that pool in the flatland between the two structures!
Can you imagine the strength of the supports for that body of water?
The Edison - how could a scientist
resist adding this to their collection
of snapshots?
They could not.
Well, I certainly could not!
Plus, it was right across the street
from my destination.
After a perusal of the gift shop -
and use of the other gift card to purchase two souvenir magnets -
I checked the time.
Oops! Almost time for the bus!
And look, up in the sky!
I am loved!
What a fabulous morning!
I even had time to take
yet another photo of the
beautiful Crescent resort.
I do so adore this 1938 structure!
The frosted color tones,
the sweeping curves,
the tiara of portholes!
And here is my favorite shot!
This seems most like one of the magnets I bought, with its triplet of Art Deco hotels in daylight.
In particular, the central building looks straight off the magnet!
With good cause, too.
The McAlpin, built in 1940, is one of the most iconic structures
on Ocean Drive
and has been repeatedly photographed.
Ocean Plaza, rounding out my trio, seems rather tame
by its right side.
Then Alfred arrived to collect me!
After a pit stop at the main office to collect other fares, we were on our way!
First stop for viewing?
Ocean Drive!
How funny is that?!
I'm pretty sure the guide said that
The Tides was where Will Smith
and his family stayed when they
wanted to be on Ocean Drive.
(Later, we see their home
on Star Island!)
I could be wrong, but I am not,
as their blog confirms.
The Clevelander is the locale featured
in what 1992 movie?
I'll give you two hints:
Whitney Houston
and Kevin Costner.
You got it -
"The Bodyguard"!
Here's another movie site!
You want two hints for this one?
Robin Williams
and Gene Hackman.
The 1996 comedy, "The Birdcage".
Yes, indeed, Mango's Tropical Cafe
was the drag club!
I'll have to check it out tonight!
Here's one that was new to me.
Located in the 500 block,
the Barbizon had snazzy vertical stripes,
like suspenders,
running up its front face.
I do so like the Art Deco look!
I would love to do my house like that,
but to be true to the style,
I would need three stories...
and my house is a ranch.
In style, I mean.
Now, then, I don't want you to think
all of the Art Deco is on Ocean Drive.
Collins and Washington have
several buildings in that style,
including this complex of
offices and shops.
Such a lovely walkway, too!
Then we were crossing the bridge
from one side of Miami to the other.
Did you know Miami has a river
that runs through it?
It's actually a series of islands,
much like home.
Shown here is Star Island,
home of many celebrities.
I'll get a close-up view soon!
And this the the marina
which has appeared in
so many television shows
past and present!
"Miami Vice" led the way,
but then came "CSI: Miami"
and "Burn Notice".
No wonder it looks familiar!
I have no idea what this building was.
I am fairly certain Al didn't say anything about it.
So, why is it here?
Because I liked the ocean mural on its wall.
I only wish I could zoom in on it a bit more.
It's gorgeous!
This building did get a special mention,
as well as a brief stop for a photo op.
I chose to make mine an action shot!
This is the Miami Dade College
Museum of Art + Design
I'm sure I would have enjoyed the diverse exhibits there.
What about this cool church?
The trio of bells in the gray tower,
the creamy beige of the cross against that perfect blue sky,
the bright red of the building blocks,
the palm trees reflected in the windows...
such serenity and grace and happiness,
all in one man-made space.
Then we arrived for the Aqua portion
of the tour!
I sat topside, with the breeze in my face and the sun on my back.
You better believe that pink hat
was safely stowed, thank you,
and the sunglasses firmly in place!
What a great skyline!
I had hoped to see something like this when I was driving in, but the view from the water is always better.
Plus, someone else was driving,
so I could definitely relax
and enjoy the ride!
In fact, all of us were settled in for an enjoyable ride in the waterways around this plethora of islands.
As I said, I was topside.
There were just as many more down on the first deck, sheltered from the breeze and close to the stocked bar.
None of that for me, thanks.
I'll take my trip straight. (smile)
This is the south end of South Beach!
I recognized that colorful building,
there in the middle,
with the turquoise studding
its manly brick chest!
No, I don't know what it is called,
but I noticed it on my first day,
as I was walking down the shore.
Ah, this was the good life!
It truly was!
Leaving the planning and driving to someone else and simply being present for the moment and the ride!
I could show you photos of the celebrity homes, especially that of Hugh Hefner on Palm Island (that has to be an inside joke, right???), but mostly you would see people on that side of the boat.

But isn't this water beautiful???
And that sky... such a true blue dream,
as e.e. cummings would say.
The skyline had a tall white spire saluting the heavens, but I don't recall what the captain said about it.
I was too captured by the sight.
Then we were back to port and back on the bus and motoring along in Coral Gables.
You know what that name means?
Just look at this photograph.
That gateway, or gable, has coral on top.
Ta dah!
Yes, it truly is just that simple.
Dead, white, bleached coral was used for yard and street decor all over this area.
Next up was Little Havana, "Cubania".
And the angels sing,
Mr. Johnny Mercer would have said!
This particular angel
is a jazz artist
atop a table at Cuba Ocho.
I loved this place!
It was truly a museum, having food to satisfy the soul.
On every wall,
art was presented,
whether it be in black and white
or full, vibrant color.

Cultura es Libertad

Indeed it is, my friends, indeed it is!
There was even a comic strip,
occupying an entire wall outside,
where all passersby could partake.
Signed simply "Aristide",
it is actually the work of
Cuban artist Aristides Pumariega.
The previous work was his, too.
This homage to
Cuban jazz musicians
was also created by him.
In fact, all of the work
on the exterior of this
restaurant cum art house
was done by this one man,
just a few years ago.
I had discussed the works with this woman.
She had noticed my genuine interest in the art and had come over to talk to me about the artist.
As we were boarding the bus, she came on
in pursuit of me... to award me with one of the palmetto roses she makes.
How very nice of her!
She even made one for the Italian grandmother sitting beside me!
What a grand ending to the tour!

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