Sunday, June 7, 2015

alive and well with my youngest brother!

Today, I arose early.
No "CBS Sunday Morning for me, thanks.
I was off to see my youngest brother,
up in Summerville, GA.
In between visiting my BFF and her family, celebrating the 3rd birthday of my youngest niece, and the upcoming trip to North Carolina, I scheduled this visit, too.

It's been increasingly important to my peace of mind that I go visit Tony.
Given all the woe of late with our middle brother, Ronnie, I needed to see Tony with my own eyes, verify that he was well. Let him see that I was well, too.

How wonderful our visit was, too!
We ate burgers and sandwiches and ice cream from the vending machines as we talked about our brothers.
Rather, he ate chocolate-covered ice creams while I watched enviously.
We talked about his two grown children and his three young grandchildren, what scant information I have on them.
We talked about the boys of summer and wondered aloud what would become of the Sand Gnats and pro baseball in Savannah.
We talked about my trip to Hiram and my adventure in Alabama and my upcoming journeys to North Carolina and Florida.
We talked about the program he is now eligible for to the prison, to be transferred to a transitional home, to prepare him for release back to the world of temptations. (Yes, he has assured me that anything illicit one could possible want, especially alcohol and other drugs, is obtainable in prison. He has abstained, knowing God has a better future in store for him.)
We talked about the new bathroom our oldest brother would (hopefully!) be installing for me next week.
We talked about the lawn wars my pot-smoking neighbors, the Sullivans, are waging on me, via the city. (I told him that Diane and I had hopefully come to an understanding about that.)
We talked about money, too, and the minor physical aches that are part and parcel of getting older.
Then we had our photo taken!
Actually, two were shot, as he had obtained two tickets for that little luxury. Sadly, the other photo did not print well, but we do have this one to mark the occasion!
See, I think I haven't been to see him since his birthday.
That was in late October.
After that, my weekends were "just full", as Calvin would say. Between film festivals and music festivals and volunteering at the Lucas Theatre and school responsibilities, I simply have not headed in that direction. No visits to the BFF, no visits to the peace Guy, no visits.
Plus, I never go there after the weather chills. Waiting in the line for the security check can be brutal under those conditions.
I'm so very glad he had thought to have our photo taken.
That one action means the world to me.

At 2:30 pm, we hugged our fare-thee-wells
and I left.
I stopped at the Wendy's right outside the prison, to have a bite. Most of the $20 in quarters allowed for the visit had gone to goodies for Tony, not me.
Armed with my lemonade for the road, I went back to my car...
and found a penny...
a bright bit of copper right by the front wheel.
Right place, right time.
Thanks, y'all.

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