Saturday, May 23, 2015

net catch? low country birthday!

Another beautiful,
blue sky day
in Daytona!
I had risen late,
as usual on this
birthday vacation.
Definitely needed
to let my body
and spirit heal!
It's Memorial Day
The flags lining
the bridge on 92
which runs from
Beach Street
to the east
in the breeze!
I had viewed film 4
of my personal
birthday film fest.
Time for some
Angell & Phelps
Chocolate Factory!
Potato chips being
enrobed in sweetness!
Candace, the tour guide,
even had the group
sing "Happy Birthday" to me!
Well, me and Mark and Derek,
the other birthday celebrants.
Then I bought these treats
for the first niece,
her man, and the boy-child.
Back to the condo
at Daytona Beach Regency
to put the chocolate
into the cool!
The rest and relaxation
regimen looks like
it's working,
doesn't it?
Time for my free birthday dinner
at Bubba Gump's,
courtesy of Landry's. Yeah!
This year, it was the
watermelon lemonade,
a crisp salad,
and this Net Catch Entree!
Low country boil,
by any other name!
I had timed my meal
just right!
The Boss Project
was warming up for the
evening concert at the
Daytona Bandshell.
"Thunder Road" and "Glory Days"
regaled me as a bonus
and a pre-show teaser.
Here's one of my
classic shots
of the empty stage.
Sadly, the concert
I had so looked forward to
was rained out.
Like, seriously.
But not before the opening
memorial festivities
had run their course!
The local VFW had sent their
Color Guard for the
national anthem and their
Honor Guard for the
firearms 12-gun salute.
There was even a four-plane flyby!
Coming from due east,
right over the ocean,
one veered off as the
other three vroomed over
the heart of Daytona.
Very nice!!!
But they were followed by
a fast-moving storm.
The band led off with "Born In The USA", one of the most unpatriotic songs ever.
(Does no one else listen to the lyrics??? I blame Ronald Reagan for the mistaken championship of this song at military events.)
Then, as the rain drops became cold streams of wind-lashed water, the band played on!
"Cadillac Ranch" rang out as the crowd rushed for cover!
That was it for the concert.
I did meet an interesting older woman, as we both huddled under the eaves, trying to avoid the rain and the cold wind. She and I had better than thirty minutes to talk about music. So, that was a good thing.
When the storm finally passed, I came back only to change clothes. Now, I'm off to my 5th, and final, film this weekend.

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