Saturday, April 11, 2015

joy, joy! happy, happy!

What an incredibly fabulous day!
Amazingly productive, too!
This morning, I met with my outlaw Melinda to get her membership into my credit union.
Little did I know she would have her two daughters and two granddaughters in tow!
Impromptu family reunion!!!
I got to spend two hours with her, my first niece and seventh niece, and my twin great-nieces. Then, while we were still in the lobby, waiting for our turn with a consultant, my first niece's sweet husband and their foster son arrived. What a great way to start my Saturday!
But, wait!
It gets better!
We found out the credit union was having a special promotion for minor kids. Woohoo! Just for being there at the right place, at the right time, Chelsea, Alyssa, and Leila were each granted fifty dollars in their very own, brand-new, savings accounts!
My foster nephew will get that, too, later this week. How so? My first niece and her husband are new members at my credit union, as of today, and will be enrolling him.
So very good!
Membership definitely has its perks!
(My many thanks to the consultant, who not only invited us all into her office, but then gave us such good information and was so very helpful - and patient - with us!)

Then I was off to the Fan Appreciation Day festivities! They had begun at 11 AM... and it was already approaching 1 PM! Oops!
I invited all the new credit union members to join me for free hot dogs, but they all had other places to go and fussy babies to tend.
That's okay - some of my baseball family was there waiting for me. Willie was enthroned in a high lounge chair, that almost let his long legs dangle. He loved it! The chair was in a place of honor, right at the entrance, so everyone could see him and pay homage as they entered.
Most excellent!
Courtney, the EMS tech, was there, too. She is such a sweetie!
Joey and the new guys set me up with my goodies, then I was off to spread the wealth... and the hot dogs.
After a good visit with my middle brother and company, I returned home.
Oh, my! Already almost 4 PM!
Soon enough, it was time to bop downtown for the JAVAFLIX meetup. I was just there to vote for next month's movie, as I had already seen tonight's film twice (including once with the bfe).
Patrick of PA was there, of course, as well as Bonnie and Don. Very nice! Sandy, the soft-voiced karaoke buddy, was, too! Also, Bill Cooper and his lovely MaC were!
And, for a brief few minutes, Kristin the librarian was in the house with Chas and their baby son! Too bad they couldn't stay longer, but the boy was not having it. Maybe next time?
I hope so!
I'm glad I was there for the vote. Amazingly, I had not yet seen a single one of the five movies previewed! I had heard of one of them, a horror flick, and deliberately avoided the multiple opportunities to view it, so I certainly did not vote for it. But two others, "Living is easy With Eyes Closed" and another (whose title I have forgotten), sound very promising! Sadly, they are foreign films, with subtitles, so I doubt they will be chosen...but my fingers are crossed!

I stayed until the evening's film began, then off to midtown! The Savannah Children's Theatre was performing a musical! Not just any musical, either, but one of my favorites: "Little Shop of Horrors".
Ever since I had spotted it in this weekend's line-up of events, I had wanted to see it. Tonight was the night!
I sang along, sotto voce, with all of the songs!
Well, almost all.
The play has a couple of numbers that aren't in the movie.
The play has a different ending, too, than the movie.
What a pleasant surprise!
Andy Paul (Seymour), Anna Schneider (Audrey), and Matthew White (the dentist) were absolutely perfect in their roles!!! I especially enjoyed the songs, "Somewhere That's Green" and "Suddenly Seymour" - Anna's voice and demeanor were spot-on! I got goose-bumps just listening to her!
I tell you, I just may have to see it again...
... and I definitely will be paying more attention to this group of kids.
Great timing on this comic, n'est-ce pas? I'm only now catching up with some of the newspapers during my two weeks with SMF. If I had seen this earlier, it wouldn't have had the cachet it now has.
Right place, right time.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Woohoo! Melinda just called with the great news! Each of the twins, and my niece Chelsea, now have $50 in their brand-new savings accounts! Melinda got a whopping $250 for the referrals!
So very good!!!
Thanks, NFCU!
And, as always, i thank You, God!