Friday, April 10, 2015

first anniversary with lunch ladies!

How perfect!
During our lunch today,
I was able to enjoy one of my favorite pieces of art at Sweet Potatoes,
right from my seat,
the entire time.
Very nice!
Only two other Lunch Ladies, Debbie and C, were there when I arrived, so I was able to choose the chair I wanted for this occasion.
You see, it was my first anniversary with this group of women.
I have so been looking forward to sharing it with them!
Even my car had a role
in making the day special,
granting me the mileage
as I was on my way.
The number of women lunching eventually rose from us three to a total of seven.
The bubbly gardener, Agnes, had arrived right after me.
Juliet, Nancy, and Clara came just a few moments later.
Very nice!
Quite a manageable size for a luncheon!
I'm glad I was there to point them toward the joys of the vegetable plate!
My four sides came from the menu of the day:
roasted brussels sprouts,
red beans and rice,
squash & zucchini with onions & peppers,
and the sweet potato of the day (the baked one, my favorite)!
The perfect ending for the lunch:
a few moments
to bask in the
afternoon sun
on this rainbow bench.

Many thanks to all!
See you Lunch Ladies
next week!

1 comment:

Agnes said...

agnes maresh had this to say:
"U r really good at photography! I didn't even notice the bench but did admire the sunflower. Thanks!"