Sunday, April 26, 2015

how i spent april 26th

Six years ago, on this date, Daddy died. My half-brother Michael was by his side as he took his last breaths in South Carolina.
The coming of this day has been heavy on my mind this past couple of weeks. It's been heavy on the mind of my stepmom, too. We had planned to get together yesterday for our lunch-and-a-movie date, but the torrential rains and high winds forced us to postpone until today.
That really worked out to be best for both of us.
The day was clear blue skies and a gentle warmth, encouraging us to get out and about, nudging us together.
I just have to believe Daddy had a hand in arranging that for us.
Bonnie and I try to have our date every four to six weeks.
This time, it's been almost three months!
She had my nephews with her on that visit, so we didn't really get to "catch up", like we usually do.
We don't talk on the phone, as she has very limited minutes.
We also don't email often, as her only email address has been the one at work, and they frown on that being used for personal emails.
But we'll be in better touch from here on out! She has internet service at home now, as well as a good email address! Now, even if we can't be "live and in person", we can still keep each other posted on goings on in our lives. Yeah!
Today, we were able to visit and hug and dine at our leisure at our favorite place, Cheeburger Cheeburger. Hooray!
Just look at that salad!!!
I ate every bit of it, too!
Plus, we shared fried pickles and fried mushrooms,
as we always do.
Nice to have that bit of normalcy on this day!
Nice to be able to share all of this with her.


cousin Bonnie said...

Bonnie Clark
April 27 at 11:38pm

Great to see Bonnie again. Thanks for the post.

Aunt Barbara said...

Barbara Narcarti
April 27 at 3:47pm

That is great that you two can get together some times.