Saturday, April 4, 2015

let's Dakha Brakha all night long!

Tonight, I arrived a bit shaken up, after getting T-boned on the way. But all's well that ends well, n'est-ce pas? Or rather, as Ukrainian is the language of the evening: чи не так?
This was
my first event
as a volunteer
at the
Ships of the Sea
North Garden.
Such a beautiful venue!
After dusk,
when the
sand gnats
chilled out,
I was able
to listen
to the tunes
and watch
the full moon rise...
life is good!
There I was,
taking in the
warm night air,
tearing tickets
in the rose garden
with G, chatting
and dancing
and learning
to speak Ukrainian
from both
his smart phone
and the actual
Ukrainians flocking to the show.
This was the Savannah Music Festival's last hurrah, the Closing Night Party, with one last offering of music from another world. DakhaBrakha definitely was the near-extraterrestrial experience needed to unite the flavors of planet Earth!
Marko, Iryna, Olena, and Nina obviously weren't from around these parts. The three women all wore long, glowing white dresses, chunky dark necklaces, and tall, fuzzy, irregularly-shaped black hats. Marko looked as though he had stepped through a time machine, from perhaps the 6th century, straight off the steppes.
All four sang/chanted/raved and enthusiastically played instruments from all over the globe. Honestly! It was as if they had never met a musical tool that they didn't like! Darbuka, tabla, didjeridoo, accordion, trombone, djembe, bass drums, bugay, zgaleyka, piano, bass drums, garmoshka, cello, and miscellaneous percussion toys (rattles, tambourines, sticks) - all played with panache and gusto!!!
They've been to the USA before, of course. January of 2014 they were at - get this! - the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts!!! As theatrical as the group is to watch, I think it is completely appropriate that they were there! Go ahead, you can watch their entire hour-plus concert right here!
What a glorious night it's been!

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