Monday, December 28, 2015

dos veces con amor en chili's!

For two days in a row, I've been at Chili's with guys dear to my heart!
Yesterday, I worked most of the day on new school stuff. You see, as I will be the first to teach Chem1151 at Savannah Tech, I'm having to do everything from scratch.
New course schedule for the very different textbook which I will use for the first time.
New homework assignments to be constructed from the material in the new textbook.
It's been WORK!
I'm so glad I've had this normally idle time available for better use!

Anywho, the peace Guy had contacted me, via text, yesterday morn.
"Want to go eat somewhere?"
Heck to the YEAH!
So, we arranged for a dinner date at a favorite place.
Strike one!
The Noodle Bowl was closed.
Next up - The King And I...
Strike two!!
Also closed. Hmm... maybe Asian food is out...
Off to Chili's!
Home run!
Especially for me - Joe treated!
Chips and salsa, baby back ribs!
And the good news is I'll be seeing him at least twice more during this week that he is in town. He's fixing the upper apartment in his folks' house so it can finally be rented out. The gas has not yet been turned on for that apartment, so there is no hot water for showers. So, in return for cleansing waters, I get more visits with him. LOL!

Today was another day put to good use.
Clothes? Washed and dried at Nami's laundrette!
Bed linens, blankets, afghans? Also washed and dried at Nami's!
(I don't know why, but clean clothes always take up more room than dirty stuff. How does that happen?)
When I returned home, I spread out blankets and such to finish air drying while I worked on school stuff some more.
Then Joe came over for a hot shower.
Nice visit!
After a little TBBT, it was off for some live laughs at Odd Lot!
I mean, with Odd Lot!

No, no, no! Not that Odd Lot show! That was last week!

THIS is the show I'm talking about!
The one that was concentrating on past events of this year!
It was supposed to be PG, as are all of Odd Lot's shows. However.... given that I grew up around boys... then had eight years in the Navy in the company of boys... well, sometimes, my mind has been known to jump the track.
You know, that straight and narrow track?
Yep, that's the one!
The topic of the two-man film-noir style skit was "deflate-gate". You remember, right? It was the furor that rose up from the under-inflated football used in a pivotal game.

Well, the skit had barely started when Dorsey, in response to Zach's claim that the temperature was to blame, said "I've never noticed that temperature changes have an effect on ball size." -
and I cracked up! 
The image had leapt into my brain from the Seinfeld episode when George was complaining about ball shrinkage in the cool pool water. Seriously!

I may have been the only one who responded to his line! And I was LOUD, too! My laugh was a definite show stopper for a minute there!
Ah, well, not the first time I've stopped a show!
After that, it seemed that "ball" became a cue for laughter from me, if not from others who caught the double entendre. So, though the show wasn't truly blue...maybe some balls were!
Hahahaha haha!

After that, I flew over to Chili's to see if the Philo folk were still there.
Connie even made sure I knew that the Kid had been asking about me!
With him right there!
Very fun way to finish the evening, with hugs all around and even an "I love you" or two!

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