Thursday, September 10, 2015

twinkle, twinkle, little star

Tonight has been such a treat!
First, I had dinner with the bfe. Mexican fare - que bueno!
It was an early dinner. He was already on his way home at 4 PM, so we met there, then headed to Carlito's for a nice, leisurely meal.
Nice, leisurely meals are our favorites!
We talked at length about my first pitch. How it came about, how cool it was to have my very own baseball fresh from a wrapper, how sweet of Fran to video the experience, how supportive everyone has been! Such a great experience!
We talked at length about his new direction in research. After his trip this summer to Greece for the symposium, he determined that theoretical work on a unified theory (like Sheldon Cooper does) was more interesting than the experimental research with neutrinos that he has done for ten years. He'll still be working in that latter field this year, but he's going to be at some intensive training in the other, too, hopefully as a week-long adventure in January.
We also spoke of the sun, that golden orb that lights our days and warms our third rock. I had not realized that this glowing star mass is now middle-aged and on the downward slope of its life. Only another 4.6 billion years remain in its life. What if it should develop dementia at sometime in the future and forget how to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium? You know, like my body has lost the recipe for lactase and can no longer manufacture it. What would be the result?
We also set up two definite future get-togethers. First, we'll be going in two weeks to see "Black Mass", the movie starring Johnny Depp, in nearly-unrecognizable form, as a Boston gangster. (Thank God he has such incredible eyes!)
Then, in October, we'll go to the BYOP party at Dawn and Chris' Halloween house! That acronym? Bring Your Own Pumpkin, of course! I also talked to him about my book. I guess I need to give him a copy, or at least lend it to him.
When I returned him to his house, it was just after 7 PM. He had to get his place in order, as the bug man and the weekend were both coming. That left me free to go to the concert at Armstrong! That would be free, too, with my Pirate card. Sah-weet!
"Songs You Know And Love: From Bach To Gershwin" had been on my radar already. Promising Beethoven’s “Sonata Pathetique”, Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, Brahms Wiegenlied”, Mozart’s 12 variations on “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and Gershwin’s “The Man I Love”, I was in! The concert featured solo piano pieces performed by Benjamin Warsaw, with singing by Rebecca Flaherty. All in all, the show lasted two hours! Fabulous!
I tell you, tonight has been such a treat!

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