Tuesday, September 29, 2015

miss piggy and elephant gerald

Were you aware that there are TWO little piggies to entertain us?
No, I'm not talking about the toes on your feet.
This little piggy went to market,
this little piggy stayed home,
this little piggy had roast beef,
this little piggy had none,
and this little piggy cried 'wee! wee!'
all the way home!

No, definitely not the ones I'm talking about!
I refer, of course to Piggie and Miss Piggy.
As I had mentioned a few days ago, I had not known of Miss Piggy's impending return to television. Last week, I caught the first episode, thanks to Yom Kippur.
You see, our fearless leader for Tuesday trivia is Jewish. That means, no trivia on the high holy days. So, I found myself free to do... well, whatever I wanted. And I happened to stumble upon the fact that "The Muppets" is showing at 8 PM on Tuesdays...so, that's what I did! I stayed home and watched Kermit and Miss Piggy and Fozzie and Animal and the the whole gang, together in Prime Time again!
Tonight, I watched the show again!
No, I did not go to trivia. Going to trivia would mean forgoing my Muppet fix, and you know how addictions can be. (No, I could not TiVo it for later, as I don't have that service.) I guess I will be missing trivia for a while. I guess it's good that my last time was such a good one, eh?
Tonight's episode was really cute and featured Josh Groban as Miss Piggy's new love. I know he's supposed to be a heart-throb idol, but he really doesn't get my motor runnin'. Maybe when he gets a little more hair on his chest...
Sunday, I saw a pink swine that is prominent in a 25-book kid series. I had never heard of her or her buddy, Elephant Gerald.
(Say his name aloud, please. Just go ahead and say it. Don't you hear a blues singer in there? I don't know if Mo Willems did that on purpose or if it's just me drawing a correlation where there is none. My friend Amy Jenkins got a kick out of it, too.)
So, why was I at the play? Well, it wasn't just a play - it was a musical!!! Plus, the Savannah Children's Theatre was performing it, so I knew it would be fun! I had tried to convince Sandy and Barbara to come along, but being around children doesn't really work for them.
Such fun! The musical had incorporated bits from seven of the books, delving into friendship topics like the sharing of ice cream and toys, going to a party, and learning to dance. I especially liked the songs about "an Elephant in the room" and the "dress-up costume swim party"! How very nice to have run into Amy and her two children so we could all share that song and the play!
These were not Muppets, though.
For that, I await next Tuesday.

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