Wednesday, August 12, 2015

making chemistry fun!

Anything here look familiar?
Go back and look at this post, though you may need to scroll just a little bit. That particular photo shows five balloons, brought by my first niece to surprise me at the ballgame on my birthday.
That was on May 29th, just so you know.
Seventy-six days ago.
Sure, three of the balloons have succumbed some time ago.
All five made it at least until the end of June. Then, as the hot days of summer passed one by one, three of the balloons drooped to the table. By the middle of July, only these two remained aloft.
Aloft they remain, but they are clearly losing volume and are not the sleek, sassy vessels they once were.
Want to know why?
Oh, come on, you know you want to say "yes!", so just do it!

When I sent the photo to my first niece, she had queried whether they were the ones she had given me.
Then she had remarked on their age.
AHA! I thought to myself! Time to trot out some more gas law knowledge and parade it around!
(Seriously...check out the link to see just what a nerd I can be.
Or just keep reading to draw the same conclusion. Seriously.)
Here goes!

Is there magic air in those balloons?
Maybe, but doubtful.
The balloons have probably lasted so long because my house is hot. Cold air would make them contract faster.
Decreased temperature means less energy for the gas molecules, leading to less volume in the balloons.

Her response was priceless!
"Wow! Love having my own personal chemistry geek... I mean that in the best possible...
You make chemistry fun."

Mission accomplished!

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