Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cassadi and Olive Garden

For her eleventh birthday, she didn't want one of her regular parties, with folks coming to the house bearing gifts and playing games and slipping on a giant slide.
No, not this time.
Cassadi preferred to have everyone join her for lunch at her favorite place: Olive Garden.
Seriously! That's what she wanted.
And that is what she got!
Here, we see her grandmom looking off as her maternal uncle and her mom use crayons to play the game sheets provided for the children. Well, technically, they are the children of the woman on the left!
Trust me, I was laughing out loud!
The four under-21 children who were present couldn't be bothered with coloring and puzzles, not when there were electronic gadgets at hand. At least everyone put their phones away!
Well... you are still allowed to bring them out for photos, ya know!

Here, the birthday girl is talking about something - perhaps a contemplation on the lovely strawberry cupcake she is holding - while her paternal uncle and paternal great-aunt look on.
Perhaps she was debating the merits of having birthday cupcakes instead of a big sheet cake.
Perhaps she was wishing aloud for leftover cupcakes for her breakfast and lunch the next day.
I wish I could tell you.
I do.
But I was busy taking photos.

But know this: we had a great time visiting with each other!
And, guess what?
My lunch ended up being free!
The restaurant/kitchen/staff forgot to ever bring my soup, then they forgot about my meal, then they listed the soup as an upcharge on my bill, because I was having it to go.
Thanks to Angela's dad, the manager comp'ed my meal!
What a very nice surprise for me!

I gave Cassadi a "SMILE" card for her birthday. It's to remind her that every time she looks at it, she is thought of with love.
That sentiment is even more true now!

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