Tuesday, September 8, 2015

that middle bro o' mine

I had just returned from a job interview/hiring down at Tybee. I had considered just heading for the school for the cool, but I decided to stop briefly at home to pick up a few things.
I was barely in the house when a knock came on the door.
Say what?
It was Ronnie!
He had walked over to my house, from Memorial Hospital, on the off-chance that I would be here to give him a ride back to his neck of the woods.
(Literally, right, y'all?)
Why had he been in the hospital?
Yesterday, he apparently got mugged (honestly, what idiots would mug a homeless man?) and had some cuts on is back and arm and chest. The hospital had been good enough to put him up for the night, but now they were done.
His timing was perfect.
Here it was a Tuesday, a non-teaching day, and all of my time was his for the taking.
But first, I had him check in with Sue Crowe, as she worried about him, too.
That was a good move. She needed something to be down about her toilet. Could he come fix it for her?
So, off to Causton Bluff we rode.
Then, off to Home Depot for the needed parts. Then to the liquor store to fetch her some beer and cigarettes. I followed him in to make sure he didn't help himself to anything there.
He did not.
He wanted to, but when I questioned him about that 40 he wanted, he didn't put up much of a fuss about letting it stay there.
Back to Sue's house, to make her toilet flush once again.
Then she gave him a beer.
She wasn't doing well. She had fallen last week and her right hip was still giving her pain. Had she been to the doctor?
No, she had not.
So, we loaded up and the three of us took off for Southern Urgent Care.
By this time, it was early afternoon. Time for some lunch!
Ronnie and I walked down to Publix and got some food, then returned and kept Sue company while she waited for her turn.
Ronnie was being his jovial self and we three really had a good time together, joking and kidding around. I very much enjoy these increasingly rare times when he is (relatively) sober.
Finally, Sue was done. No bones were broken! Hooray! But she had sprained the muscle and would need some medications, including prednisone.
No problem! The CVS was right there in that same complex, between the doctor's and the grocery store.
Back to Sue's house once more! Her housemate was home, so we updated her, got Sue settled in, and left.
Back to his neck of the woods for Ronnie! He went to his tent and returned with - two phones and a charger? Not hardly. One phone and two chargers.
Better than nothing!
I'm to see him again tomorrow morning at 11. The phone is currently charging and I'll find out tonight if it's the "current" one.
(Get it? A little electrical joke from me to you!)
I snapped that photo just before hugging him goodbye.
Good one, too!
We remembered not to be looking up into the sun this time.
Right now, I've got to get ready for Sandy to pick me up for trivia tonight. It'll be the two of us, plus Barbara and Kathy, and we're having free dinners with our past winnings!
Hooray! Free food and good company!
Later, y'all!


faustina said...

The next day, he was, indeed, there to meet me at the scheduled time.

The phone, as good fortune would have it, was, indeed, the current phone, so all I had to do was pay to turn it back on.

I treated us both to breakfast at IHOP. Neither of us had coffee yet, as we had both risen barely in time for our meeting.

Good food, good company again!

We talked, too, about how little time he has actually spent in the woods this summer. Between stays at the hospital and stays in jail, he's probably only spent three weeks, off and on, at his tent.
"Oh, you noticed that?" he said to me, grinning.
Yeah, he knows how to play the system.

faustina said...

I had posted the photo as my fb profile last week. Here are the comments:

Stephanie Kopek Mostashari
November 6 at 5:56pm

Zachary Smith
November 6 at 6:01pm
New profile. Hey uncle Ronnie.

David Johnson
November 6 at 6:02pm
How's he doing tell him I said hello.

Anne Sherman
November 6 at 6:03pm
Two loving siblings. :)

Robbie Prouty Rush
November 6 at 7:20pm